Fantassia news

Alle the news from Fantassia park
Sorcière et livre de contes de fées, licornes, dragons au parc d'attractions Fantassia

Headline news from Fantassia park near Perpignan in Occitanie

Animated Leprechaun on his lounge chair at Fantassia amusement park

May 19, 2024

The latest news from Fantassia Park

April 29, 2024

In May, the Fantassia amusement park is obviously open on public holidays.
You will definitely find a time to visit us!…



April 14, 2024

Do you prefer dragon, unicorn, fairy or perhaps pixie?
At the fairy souvenir shop at the Fantassia amusement park you have the choice…




March 26, 2024

Vintage 2024 and already 21 years of existence of the Fantassia amusement park.
21 years of passion, magic and dreams still there…




March 26, 2024

Behind the Fantassia amusement park it’s a family of big dreamers, a team of passionates…




All Fantassia park news

February 21, 2024

In this mild month of February, the mimosas are in bloom at the Fantassia amusement park.
Unfortunately for our dear visitors, the park is still closed to the public…




February 04, 2024

At the beginning of February, the ivy receives the prize for excellence at the Fantassia amusement park. Indeed, this climbing plant has many qualities…




January 17, 2024

It’s winter time at Fantassia leisure park. January is the perfect month to cut the plants. And pruning also means the burning of this recyclable plant waste…




January 6, 2023

In the heart of the Fantassia amusement park, where magic meets nature, a new challenge presents itself in the form of drought…




December 31, 2023

Time is coming to say goodbye to 2023 and wish you a Happy New Year. We sincerely hope that this year has filled you with wonder…




December 16, 2023

During this winter and holiday season, the Fantassia amusement park is not open to the public. Did you know that the magical beings in the park fly to Santa’s land?…




November 14, 2023

2023 is the 20th anniversary of the Fantassia theme park. The opportunity for a flashback on the history of the park and its evolution…




November 5, 2023

Closure of the Fantassia amusement park this Sunday, November 5. It’s time to draw the curtain on the 2023 season…




October 20, 2023

It’s time for the All Saints’ Day holidays at the Fantassia amusement park. 2 weeks of well-deserved rest for everyone. It’s time to occupy your little ones…




October 9, 2023

On Monday 9 October, it is world disability day. At Fantassia park, it is not a day but the whole season that we welcome disabled people with pleasure.




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